Michael scofield kimdir

What is Michael Scofield’s IQ?

Their IQ scores ranged from 77 to 135, with an average score of 112.

How many prisons does Michael Scofield break out of?

It's clear that Michael Scofield has yet to meet a prison that he couldn't escape from in the last five seasons. Thus far, he has escaped from or allowed someone else to escape from four different prisons.

Who is Michael Scofield’s wife?

Sara Scofield (born Tancredi) was the prison doctor and the wife of Michael Scofield. She is the daughter of Illinois governor Frank Tancredi, and the mother of Michael Jr. She was 29 years old during the beginning of the series. Later, Sara married Jacob Anton Ness.

How can I be like Michael Scofield?

That greatly influences the way he sense and perceive things around him.

  1. When you see something. try to think more than what it is. Ask questions about it. …
  2. Help people around you as much as you can. Michael is always willing to help people around him. …
  3. Be very precise. When you plan something, try to be precise about it.

Why is Michael’s nickname fish?

In order to get into Fox River, Michael robs a bank at gunpoint and pleads no contest at his trial, and requests that he be sent to the prison nearest to his home. … The prisoners always approached Michael as 'Fish' in the prison which it was a nickname given to new prisoners.

Why does Michael get nosebleeds?

Michael had a brain tumor, which caused his nose to bleed. In the end, knowing he was dying, he sacrificed himself for his wife, Dr. Sara Tancredi.

Why is Scofield called fish?

In order to get into Fox River, Michael robs a bank at gunpoint and pleads no contest at his trial, and requests that he be sent to the prison nearest to his home. … The prisoners always approached Michael as 'Fish' in the prison which it was a nickname given to new prisoners.

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